Booking info
To make a booking or speak to a member of our education team, call us or send an email.
Phone 01404 822188/07305 882077
Email escoteducation@wildwoodtrust.org
Education Manager Charlotte Mead
* Comprehensive risk assessments are available on request
Ratios for admission
Stage | Description | Year | Age | Ratio |
EYFS | Early years foundation | 3-5 yrs | 1:5 | |
KS1 | Key stage 1 | 1-2 | 5-7 yrs | 1:5 |
KS2 | Key stage 2 | 3 | 7-11yrs | 1:5 |
KS2 | Key stage 2 | 4-6 | 7-11 yrs | 1:10 |
KS3 | Key stage 3 | 7-9 | 11-14 yrs | 1:15 |
KS4 | Key stage 4 | 10-11 | 14-16 yrs | 1:15 |
16+ | Key stage 5 | 12-13 | 16+ yrs | 1:15 |